Registration Information

Spring 2025 Registration Information

Player Registration

  • SISL Operates a strict no refund policy. All registration fees are final, regardless of if multiple games or no games have been played. The registration platform operates a refund insurance option. For details please see: Refund Policy
  • SISL is operating a new registration platform this year. We have partnered with RAMP Interactive improve the registaration experience. All players will need to create a new account regardless of if they have played before.
  • Player registration link:
  • Player registration opens 9th of February and runs to the end of the season.
  • To register to a team you must have an invite link or invite code provided by your team captain. The registration system will ask for either of these to ensure your captain has invited you to play on their team. If you need this code please contact your captain directly.
  • Players must register at least 48 hours before their first game to get on the team roster.
  • For individuals with promo codes to use when registering: there will be no reimbursement for promo codes not used at the time of registration. No exceptions.
  • Players who are or become 16 through 18 during the calendar year may register with written parental consent. SISL Parental Consent Form is available by clicking here.
  • Players are allowed to play on up to 3 teams in the league, but only one team per division / age bracket.
  • To play on multiple teams, you need to go through the registration process each time. The system should remember all of your information to save time.
  • Players that are under 18 or are under the age for their bracket will need to contact the player registrar before registration, or the system will automatically reject their registration.

Please click here for directions to make sure you register correctly.

Player Registration Fees
Returning Players Registration
1 Team – $65
2 Teams – $80
3 Teams – $95

*Please note you will be charged a 2.5% +$1.55 convenience fee for debit/credit card transactions

New Player Registration – If you don’t have a team yet, please do not register until we’ve identified a team for you. SISL does not issue refunds.

Team Registration:

  • Team registration link:
  • Team registration opens 22nd of January and will run through to 1st of February.
  • Team Registration fee is $150 per team. In the new registration system one account can register multiple teams.
  • Please click here for directions to make sure you register correctly.

Captains Meeting for Spring 2025 Season

  • When: January 16th, 2025 @ 6:30PM-7:30PM
  • Where: Boise Downtown Public Library (715 S Capitol Blvd, Boise, ID 83702), William F. Hayes Memorial Auditorium, 1st Floor
  • Who: A captain or representative of each team must be in attendance
  • Alternative: We will send out a link, prior to the meeting, on our Facebook page with login instructions, if you prefer to attend remotely
  • Attending the captains’ meeting with be especially important this year, because we are moving to a new registration system.

Player Registration Questions and Answers
Get answers on when and where to register, what forms to fill out, fees associated with player registration, registering online, and more.

Q. Where can I register?
A. All teams and players must register online using the link at the top of this page.

Q. Do I need to include a picture?
A. Yes. Every player must include an updated profile picture AND a legal copy of your driver’s license or government issued ID. This is a new requirement per the Idaho State Soccer Association. Failure to comply will result in being ineligible to play until doing so.

Q. What kind of picture does the SISL need?
A. For your profile picture: no hats, bandanas, profiles (side view of head), or sunglasses allowed. Please make sure you are the only person in the picture. Do not use your driver’s license or government photo as your profile picture.

Q. Do I have to register online?
A. Yes. Teams and players are required to register online using the links at the top of this page.

Q. Can I register during the regular season, fall or spring?
A. Yes, you can register during the regular season at any time. Registration fees increase for returning players in the league after normal player registration time. On average, two weeks is allowed for normal registration. If you are a new player to the league you can register anytime during the season for normal fee.

Q. If I am a referee, do I need to pay?

A. NO. Referees for the league play for free. Online registration is required for referees and ARs as well. Please contact the Player Registrar for information on how to register.

Q. Does the SISL accept checks?
A. NO. The SISL will not take checks. You will need to pay using a credit/debit card online.

Q. Can I use my credit or debit card to pay for fines?
A. YES. Contact Disciplinary and we can have a PayPal request sent to you.

Q. I registered but am not appearing on my team’s roster, now what?
A. Contact the SISL Player Registrar.

Q. I got injured and can’t play, can I get a refund?
A. No. Once a player has paid for registration there are No Refunds. Regardless if you play zero games or 7 games. Be sure you are ready to play when you pay.

Have a question that isn’t listed here? – Email the Player Registrar

NOTE: All fines and fees from past seasons are to be paid in cash per the league rules before you can play. You are responsible for the payment and keeping track of paying the fine. The league is not responsible for lost or non-notation of payment. It is your responsibility to get a receipt should there be a dispute in the future. If there is no record of payment being made by registration time at the beginning of the next season you will be responsible for the payment of all fines not paid and ones with no record of payment. Always get a receipt.